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Should Artificial Intelligence be regulated

According to an artificial intelligence expert, the fear that accompanies the prevalence of images of a world dominated by machines in conventional media can impair individuals’ ability to engage in meaningful debate and their assessment of emerging technology.

The development of AI has been the subject of concern, prompting demands for regulation. However, the process will not be as straightforward as regulating any other product on the market.

“In order to be highly agile and nimble in the development of policy,” stated Abhishek Gupta, the founder of the Montreal AI Ethics Institute and a machine learning engineer at Microsoft. “A regulatory infrastructure overhaul will be necessary.”

“We will require technical experts who are knowledgeable about the actual capabilities and the current state of the field, rather than policymakers being informed by popular media or dense white paper reports,” the AI ethics researcher stated in an interview with HR Tech News.

“I am of the opinion that it is essential for policymakers and regulators to establish a fundamental understanding of the functionality of these technologies,” he stated. “Because they can then ask the appropriate questions when interacting with technical experts.”

Gupta stated that in order to achieve a harmonious equilibrium between innovation and legislation, governments and the private sector must initially establish a shared understanding of the technology. He is of the opinion that the discussion should shift from sensationalist ideas and dystopic scenarios to the practical and tangible ways in which AI impacts businesses and communities.

For example, AI and automation can impact recruitment in HR by facilitating candidate verification and resume screening, providing automated prompts to assist employees in achieving their career development objectives, and predicting workforce trends through predictive analytics.

Nevertheless, the obstacle is for business and community leaders to cultivate their own understanding of AI by utilizing a vernacular that is comprehensible to both technical and nontechnical professionals. The AI ethics agenda will be further advanced by this shared language.

“When selecting a supplier to purchase a solution, what are some of the questions you can ask about the system’s construction? For example, has the system been tested? What are the false positive and false negative rates?” Gupta stated.

The Montreal AI Ethics Institute conducts regular meetings for community members who are interested in learning more about the effects of AI.