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This is how AI shapes a versatile workforce

According to data research firm IDC, there has been a significant surge in interest in cognitive and AI technologies this year. AI spending is projected to reach a staggering US$19.1 billion.

The significant increase of 54.2% from last year’s spending highlights the strong commitment of organizations to invest heavily in research.

It is projected that investments in AI will reach a staggering US$52.2bn in 2021. The emerging tech is now more than just a passing fad, but rather a crucial component of enterprise tech stacks.

One of the notable advancements in the field is the introduction of HR technologies that aim to streamline human capital management.

According to industry leaders from the Organisational Development Institute (OrgDev), the future of HR will be significantly impacted by AI. While AI will not eliminate the need for HR management, it will require HR department leaders to adapt and communicate in new ways with their staff.

Embracing new technology early is crucial for staying on track during times of rapid change.

In order to stay current in today’s AI-driven workplace, HR professionals must make it a top priority to integrate this technology into their workforce as soon as possible, in order to be prepared for what lies ahead.

Understanding AI and its impact on the future workforce
During a recent roundtable discussion, the institute emphasized the importance of organizations finding talent who possess strong skills in data and analytics.

According to Jasmine Quinn, one of the speakers, the roles of salespeople, marketing personnel, and HR personnel are evolving, and now require fluency in data and analytics.

Quinn, the leader of organizational development and reward at advertising company oOh!media, discussed the significant impact of incorporating technical roles into their team on the current and future state of their business.

Stephanie Martin, the acting director of leadership and corporate programs at Transport for NSW, believes that an AI-integrated workforce will lead to employees who are adaptable and versatile.

“We can expect to witness an increase in collaboration among multi-disciplinary teams, with individuals taking on multiple portfolios and bringing diverse expertise to decision-making processes. This shift moves away from the traditional model of specialists confined to their own areas of expertise,” Martin explained.

According to John Belchamber, the chief development officer at OrgDev, there are numerous factors to take into account regarding the continued relevance of humans in a world where AI has the capacity to replace jobs and entire industries. One of these factors is how to guarantee the longevity and prosperity of the human workforce and the HR industry.